Alcoholics Anonymous in the US and Canada is comprised of 93 “Areas”.  The AA groups in New Hampshire form Area 43. One of the most important responsibilities of each area is electing the delegate to the annual General Service Conference. Additionally, Area 43 provides important services, such as making AA literature available locally, maintaining a website with information on AA meetings and local AA events, and coordinating the 24-hour Hotline.

Groups are further organized into districts, generally collections of groups located near one another. There are currently 15 Districts in New Hampshire AA.

We are AA. We, the 600+ AA Groups and 9,000+ AA members in New Hampshire, are Area 43.  In simple terms, as stated in our NH Service Handbook: “The Area belongs to each of us as members of A.A. The experience of its past and the hope of its future have been entrusted to each of us.”

A clickable map of New Hampshire – Area 43 – showing Towns and Districts

A map showing the 93 “Areas” that comprise AA in the US and Canada. New Hampshire is Area 43.

A map of the US and Canada showing geographic AA “Regions”. New Hampshire (Area 43) is part of the Northeast Region.