New England Conference of Young People in AA January 5 - 7, 2024 DoubleTree Hotel, Danvers MA Pre-Register online at We are also having a pre-registration contest so the home group or AA service committee with the most pre-registrations will win priority seating or outreach table at the event!

District 8 Monthly Meeting

United Baptist Church - 39 Fayette St. Concord, NH 03301 39 Fayette St., Concord

District 8 Monthly Business Meeting Officer, Committee Chair and GSR Reports Meeting In Person United Baptist Church 39 Fayette Street Concord, NH Meeting on Zoom Meeting ID – 307 538 7931 Password – district8

District 20 Monthly Meeting

Journey Church, 15 Hutchins Dr. Conway NH 15 Hutchins Dr., Conway

In person and zoom: 897-7172-0550 PW: District20

Area Treatment Committee

Zoom Meeting

2nd Wednesday of each month on Zoom at 6pm for all treatment chairs 891 806 34104 passcode -681306

How Should We Treat Our Founders’ Writing?

Zoom Meeting

Participate in a discussion of the questions drafted by the Trustees Literature Committee, to arm your Delegate Sue W. with our Area 43 collective conscience to bring to the General Service Conference! Zoom ID:  755 883 2087             Passcode Area43

District 13 Open Info Meeting

Nashua Public Library 2 Court Street, Nashua

Open time for any District 13 Q&A about GSR role, open positions, groups, getting active in service, how-to questions.   This meeting is held 1/2 hour before Monthly GSR Meeting.  All are welcome!


District 13 Monthly GSR Meeting

Nashua Public Library 2 Court Street, Nashua

District 13 Monthly GSR Meeting.  All GSRs should attend, and bring any questions/concerns/suggestions from your group.  You are then representing the voice of your group and bringing back all the District updates and information to stay up to date on functions, what's happening with our GSO Representative, news from the Area.  .   Open to all AAs interested in understanding what ... Read More

NH Area Assembly of Alcoholics Anonymous © 2011-2022

Need Help Getting Sober? Call the NH AA Helpline: 800-593-3330