District 9 Summer Picnic

Kingston State Park 124 Main Street, Kingston, NH, United States

Please join us for a day of fun in the sun at Kingston State Park. Participate in a Red Ball meeting where you can share, "What's Good About Today!", play games (including corn hole) with friends and family, enjoy an AA speaker meeting (AA, Al-Anon, and YPAA speakers), and participate in the sobriety countdown. We will leave plenty of time ... Read More


Bring Back the Spirit

The Bring Back the Spirit is at Edward MacDowell Dam in Peterborough, NH. You, and your family are welcome to come for swimming, walking, kayaking or just relax as the hamburgers and hot dugs will be cooked. We will also have drinks for you. We will enjoy the side foods you bring. We will have AA items to be raffled ... Read More


District 9 Meeting

Marion Gerrish 39 West Broadway, Derry, NH, United States

Monthly District 9 business meeting.  GSRs should plan to attend.  All AAs are welcome. Contact district9nhaa.DCM@gmail.com for district information and to join our mailing list.  

Area 43 Young Peoples Committee Meeting – HYBRID

NH AREA ASSEMBLY SERVICE OFFICE 1330 Hooksett Rd, Hooksett, NH, United States

Monthly committee meeting for the Area 43 Young Peoples Meeting. All are welcome! We always need more trusted servants ???? Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89323887612?pwd=UENvQWlJR21iMm4vMlFTK09TK2o5Zz09 Meeting ID: 893 2388 7612 Passcode: 852267 Meeting minutes folder (update monthly): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10wUXcf4GJnww3TSId0pQGyv-TYl9wc4y?usp=drive_link


District 8 Monthly Meeting

United Baptist Church - 39 Fayette St. Concord, NH 03301 39 Fayette St., Concord

District 8 Monthly Business Meeting Officer, Committee Chair and GSR Reports Meeting In Person United Baptist Church 39 Fayette Street Concord, NH Meeting on Zoom Meeting ID – 307 538 7931 Password – district8

District 20 Monthly Meeting

Journey Church, 15 Hutchins Dr. Conway NH 15 Hutchins Dr., Conway

In person and zoom: 897-7172-0550 PW: District20

District 13 Open Info Meeting

Nashua Public Library 2 Court Street, Nashua

Open time for any District 13 Q&A about GSR role, open positions, groups, getting active in service, how-to questions.   This meeting is held 1/2 hour before Monthly GSR Meeting.  All are welcome!


District 13 Monthly GSR Meeting

Nashua Public Library 2 Court Street, Nashua

District 13 Monthly GSR Meeting.  All GSRs should attend, and bring any questions/concerns/suggestions from your group.  You are then representing the voice of your group and bringing back all the District updates and information to stay up to date on functions, what's happening with our GSO Representative, news from the Area.  .   Open to all AAs interested in understanding what ... Read More


Area 43 Online Group Members Meeting

Zoom Meeting Area 43 Host

All members of online Area 43 groups come share your voice about meetings you are attending: How do your groups reach out with the 5th Tradition? Is your group able to be self supporting through a 7th tradition? How does your group connect to your District as well as Area 43? Is your group able to participate?  Do you have ... Read More

NH Area Assembly of Alcoholics Anonymous © 2011-2022

Need Help Getting Sober? Call the NH AA Helpline: 800-593-3330