Area Functions Committee
Meets on the First Wednesday of the Month on Zoom Join Meeting Here: ID: 881 5590 5842 PW: functions
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Meets on the First Wednesday of the Month on Zoom Join Meeting Here: ID: 881 5590 5842 PW: functions
Taking place once every five years, the A.A. International Convention marks the anniversary of Bill W.’s first meeting with Dr. Bob and the birth of Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935. A.A. members and their families and friends from around the globe attend the event. At the International Convention people attend meetings, workshops, dances and events. A highlight is the traditional flag ... Read More
District 15 Business Meeting United Methodist Church 34 Main Street, Rochester, NH
First Thursday of the month 7pm First United Church of Rochester 42 South Main St. Rochester NH Zoom option available Meeting ID: 851 3244 2942 Zoom Hyperlink Passcode: district15 Link on D15 website
In person and zoom: 897-7172-0550 PW: District20
2nd Wednesday of each month on Zoom at 6pm for all treatment chairs Zoom ID: 891 8063 4104 Passcode: 681306
Monthly Hybrid format meeting of the Service Office Committee at 6:30pm, followed by the Finance Committee at 7pm. Held in person at the Area 43 Service Office at 1330 Hooksett Rd. Hooksett, NH Zoom ID: 856 8781 8011 PW Area43
District 13 Monthly GSR Meeting. All GSRs should attend, and bring any questions/concerns/suggestions from your group. You are then representing the voice of your group and bringing back all the District updates and information to stay up to date on functions, what's happening with our GSO Representative, news from the Area. . Open to all AAs interested in understanding what ... Read More
Third Thursday of every month, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Meeting Link: Zoom ID: 839 6623 4270 Password: 394627
Monthly meeting for GSRs of District 10. 3rd Thursday of every month St. David's Church 231 Main St Salem, NH 03079