District 14 Committee Meeting
Zoom MeetingMonthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
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Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9293549517?pwd=Z0J2U2Q1MitNd21kZXdUUG04VklEQT09 Monthly business meeting including all District 18 officers, Committee Chairs, GSRs
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
Zoom ID: 306 311 205 (usual password) Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
Monthly business meeting: all committee members and GSR's should attend.
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR’s should attend.
Monthly business meeting of District 18 Officers, Committee Chairs, GSRs and interested members Zoom ID: 844 217 18914
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.