District 10 Monthly Meeting
Hybridhttps://zoom.us/j/628704412 St. David’s Episcopal Church 231 Main St, Salem NH
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https://zoom.us/j/628704412 St. David’s Episcopal Church 231 Main St, Salem NH
Family Friendly BBQ event at Field of Dreams in Salem NH. We will have live bands, Kids events, volleyball and huge playground area. Grills will be available along with plates, cups, water, iced tea, lemonade and plastic ware. Please join us for the fun, laughs and meeting new friends! Tickets are available in advance for $10, at the door $12.
Monthly meeting of all District 12 Officers, Committees and GSRs. The in-person meeting location is: St. Raphaels Church, 103 Walker St. Manchester, NH Enter on the Ferry Street side door. Meeting ID is: 306 311 205 passcode: district12 https://zoom.us/j/306311205?pwd=VnlyZG9sS3J6V2w0SzFaVGN6eWd6UT09
Monthly meeting of District 11 Officers, Committees and GSRs In person meeting held at: Sobriety Centers of NH 350 Court Street Laconia, NH 03246 Zoom Meeting ID: 83778829545 PW: district11
Monthly meeting of all District 19 Officers, Committee Chairs and GSRs The meeting will be in person at: Keene Serenity Center 36 Carpenter Street, Keene, NH
Monthly meeting of District 7 Officers, Committees and GSRs ID: 816710724 PW: district7 Contact person-Don S.-603-313-7498
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85057220668?pwd=N0JlOVQ5OWNtUk40U0NmU0Q0YitKQT09%20#success Meeting ID: 850 5722 0668 Passcode: district15
A full day of fun with AA friends enjoying burgers, pot luck dishes, hotdogs, desserts and meetings throughout the day. Bring your beach chair, sun screen, and summer games. An annual event hosted by District 14, this summer it is on Saturday, July 9 from 11:00 am - 6:00 pm at the beautiful Eliot Boat Basin, Eliot, Maine on the ... Read More
Monthly District 18 Committee meeting of district officer, Committee Chairs and GSRs Church of the Good Shepherd 11 Park Street Newport, NH
District 9 business meeting of officers, committee chairs, GSRs from District 9 groups and all other AA members who wish to participate.