District 14 Monthly Committee Meeting
ZoomMonthly District 14 Committee Business meeting of all officers, committee chairs, GSRs, and interested participants. Zoom ID: 213 498 6423 password: district14
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Monthly District 14 Committee Business meeting of all officers, committee chairs, GSRs, and interested participants. Zoom ID: 213 498 6423 password: district14
Monthly business meeting of all Officers, Committee Chairs and GSRs
The 2021 District 12 "In Person" 24 hour Alcathon is looking for volunteers to join the Alcathon Committee and help make this years Alcathon a success. The first meeting will be held Wednesday October 13th.
Monthly Committee Meeting of all District 8 officers, committee chairs and GSRs. Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 863 335 381
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR’s should attend.
Zoom ID: 306 311 205 (usual password) Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR’s should attend.
Monthly meeting of District 13 Officers, Committee Chairs, GSRs and attendees. Meeting ID: 858 9941 4100 Passcode: district13 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85899414100?pwd=d0g5TE15dVBWaFB6d08yR1lvVlAvQT09
Monthly District 10 Committee Meeting of all officers, committee chairs, and GSRs ZOOM Link: https://zoom.us/j/628704412
Monthly meeting of all District 11 officer, committee members and GSRs Zoom ID: 83778829545 Password: district11
Join us for a super scary, spooky Halloween Dance Party! Featuring an AA meeting, live music from band Just Can't Wait, dancing, family friendly, childrens and adults costume contest, hot cider, apple caramel station, face painting, 50/50 raffle and more! Come see what having Spooky Sober Fun looks like! (A hint: it's AWESOME!!!)