NH District 18 2nd Annual Round-Out/Chili-Fest
Come one come all! To District 18th 2nd annual outdoor event. For the whole family!! This event is being held at the property of Gavin C. District 18 DCM.
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Come one come all! To District 18th 2nd annual outdoor event. For the whole family!! This event is being held at the property of Gavin C. District 18 DCM.
District February Fellowship February 11, 2023 6:30-1030 pm
Speaker Meeting 7pm followed by Music/Games and Dessert!
Open time for any Q&A about service, groups, getting active in service, how-to questions.
District 13 Monthly GSR Meeting. All GSRs encouraged to attend. Open to all AAs interested in understanding what happens at the District level for our area.
District 11's monthly meeting is hybrid Join Zoom Meeting https://us05web.zoom.us/j/83778829545?pwd=cWJaL1crNnlJM0kzeldaVUtWcWlnQT09 Meeting ID: 837 7882 9545 Passcode: district11
Monthly District 9 business meeting. GSR should plan to attend. All AAs are welcome. Contact district9nhaa.DCM@gmail.com for district information and to join our mailing list. Access via Zoom is available: Zoom ID: 897 9138 9557 with Passcode district9.
Open time for any District 13 Q&A about GSR role, open positions, groups, getting active in service, how-to questions. This meeting is held 1/2 hour before Monthly GSR Meeting. All are welcome!
District 13 Monthly GSR Meeting. All GSRs should attend, and bring any questions/concerns/suggestions from your group. You are then representing the voice of your group and bringing back all the District updates and information to stay up to date on functions, what's happening with our GSO Representative, news from the Area. . Open to all AAs interested in understanding what ... Read More
**Due to the Snow storm the date has changed to the following Tuesday. Our Monthly District 20 meeting. In person at The Gibson Center 14 Grove Street North Conway, NH 03860 and on Zoom: ID: 0550897 7172 Password: District20 We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month. All our welcome and encouraged to attend. Meeting typically last one hour.