District 12 Monthly Meeting
Zoom MeetingZoom ID: 306 311 205 (usual password) Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR’s should attend.
Zoom ID: 306 311 205 (usual password) Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR’s should attend.
Monthly District 12 Committee Business meeting of all officers, committee chairs, GSRs, and interested participants. Zoom ID: 306 311 205 (usual password)
https://zoom.us/j/306311205?pwd=VnlyZG9sS3J6V2w0SzFaVGN6eWd6UT09 The Meeting ID is: 306 311 205 – district12
https://zoom.us/j/306311205?pwd=VnlyZG9sS3J6V2w0SzFaVGN6eWd6UT09 The Meeting ID is: 306 311 205 – district12
Monthly meeting of all District 12 Officers, Committees and GSRs. The in-person meeting location is: St. Raphaels Church, 103 Walker St. Manchester, NH Enter on the Ferry Street side door. Meeting ID is: 306 311 205 passcode: district12 https://zoom.us/j/306311205?pwd=VnlyZG9sS3J6V2w0SzFaVGN6eWd6UT09
Meeting ID is: 306 311 205 passcode: district12 https://zoom.us/j/306311205?pwd=VnlyZG9sS3J6V2w0SzFaVGN6eWd6UT09
Meeting ID is: 306 311 205 passcode: district12 https://zoom.us/j/306311205?pwd=VnlyZG9sS3J6V2w0SzFaVGN6eWd6UT09
Meeting ID is: 306 311 205 passcode: district12 https://zoom.us/j/306311205?pwd=VnlyZG9sS3J6V2w0SzFaVGN6eWd6UT09
Great opportunity for AA service work St. Raphael Church Hall Manchester Ferry St. Entrance
1st Dist. 12 Alcathon Volunteer/Committee Meeting.