District 12 Monthly Committee Meeting
ZoomMeeting ID is: 306 311 205 passcode: district12 https://zoom.us/j/306311205?pwd=VnlyZG9sS3J6V2w0SzFaVGN6eWd6UT09
Meeting ID is: 306 311 205 passcode: district12 https://zoom.us/j/306311205?pwd=VnlyZG9sS3J6V2w0SzFaVGN6eWd6UT09
Great opportunity for AA service work. St. Raphael Church Hall Manchester Ferry St Entrance
District 12 Alcathon Volunteer/Committee Monthly Meeting
Monthly District 12 Alcathon Volunteer/Committee Meeting
Great opportuniity for AA Service Work St. Raphael Church Hall Manchester Ferry St. Entrance
Meeting ID is: 306 311 205 passcode: district12 https://zoom.us/j/306311205?pwd=VnlyZG9sS3J6V2w0SzFaVGN6eWd6UT09
Great opportunity for AA service work. St. Raphael Church Hall Manchester Ferry St. Entrance
Meeting ID is: 306 311 205 passcode: district12 https://zoom.us/j/306311205?pwd=VnlyZG9sS3J6V2w0SzFaVGN6eWd6UT09
24 hours of great food & AA fellowship! 50/50 and gift raffle! Group Gratitude Meetings! St. Raphael Church Hall, Ferry St Entrance Manchester
Welcome all to the First Light of Day Annual Gratitude Meeting once again facilitated by Grateful Don. A morning of gratitude and fellowship. All are welcome.