Area Assembly
NH, United StatesNOTE: The Area Hotline Committee, Treatment Committee & Bookie Swap both meet during Lunch at all Area Assemblies.
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NOTE: The Area Hotline Committee, Treatment Committee & Bookie Swap both meet during Lunch at all Area Assemblies.
Every member of AA is welcome! The program will include: presentations/workshops and other activities related to Area 43 topics and service. The afternoon will include the Area 43 Committee Business Meeting. Check out the attached flyer for more information.
Labor Day Zoomathon Zoom ID: 213 498 6423 Password: district14 Hosted by New Hampshire Assembly of Alcoholics Anonymous, Area 43
Labor Day Zoomathon Zoom ID: 213 498 6423 Password: district14 Hosted by New Hampshire Assembly of Alcoholics Anonymous, Area 43
The Area Treatment Committee meets the 3rd Saturday of the month via Zoom. All are welcome!
Area 43 monthly business meeting of all Area 43 Officers, DCM's and Committee Chairs Zoom Only: ID 228 681 5454 Password: Area43
Zoom ID: 228 681 5454 Password: Area43 One click link below: Join Zoom Meeting Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) The focus of the Inventory Assembly is: "How can we be more effective in our service responsibilities, both to each other, as well as to the sick and suffering alcoholic who has yet ... Read More
Monthly meeting of the Area 43 Young People’s Committee (via zoom until further notice)
All Area 43 members are welcome to attend! The morning will be the Pre-Conference assembly, with the Committee business meeting in the afternoon. The Area Pre-Conference Assembly The March Area Assembly is intended to prepare the Delegate for the April General Service Conference. This Assembly is open to all NH AA members. The purpose of the Pre-Conference Assembly is to ... Read More