Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9293549517?pwd=Z0J2U2Q1MitNd21kZXdUUG04VklEQT09 Monthly business meeting including all District 18 officers, Committee Chairs, GSRs
District 9 will be holding an in-person Christmas Alcathon. The Alcathon will run from 5 pm on December 24th through 5 pm on December 25th.
This is the monthly meeting of all officers, committee chairs, and GSRs. This meeting will be a Hybrid format: The Zoom access is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9293549517 Location of in person meeting: Marion Garish Community Center, 39W Broadway, Derry, NH
This is the monthly meeting of all officers, committee chairs, and GSRs. This meeting will be a Hybrid format: The Zoom access is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9293549517 Location of in person meeting: Marion Garish Community Center, 39W Broadway, Derry, NH