NH Area 43

District 18 Committee Business Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Monthly business meeting of District 18 Officers, Committee Chairs, GSRs and interested members Zoom ID:  844 217 18914

District 18 Committee Business Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Monthly business meeting of District 18 Officers, Committee Chairs, GSRs and interested members Zoom ID:  844 217 18914

District 18 “Keep it Simple Campout” 2021

North Star Campground ,43 CoonBrook Road, Newport, NH

District 18 31st Annual - “Keep it Simple Campout” 2021 Northstar Campground, Newport, NH July 23, 24, 25 Friday July 23rd 7pm - “As Bill Sees It” Meeting Saturday July 24th 7am - Open Meeting 11am - Goshport Group Meeting 2pm - “Back to Basics” Meeting 5-6pm - BBQ DINNER 7pm - AA/ Al-Anon Speakers & Sobriety Countdown 8-10pm - ... Read More

District 18 Monthly Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Monthly District 18 Committee meeting of all Officers, Committee Members, GSRs, and attendees. Zoom Format

District 18 Monthly Committee Meeting

11 Park Street 11 Park Street Church of Good Shepart, Newport

Monthly District 18 Committee meeting of district officer, Committee Chairs and GSRs Church of the Good Shepherd 11 Park Street Newport, NH 03773

District 18 Christmas Alcathon

Millie's Place 45 John Star Highway, Newport, NH, United States

NH AA District 18 is holding an alcathon on Christmas day at Millie’s Place in Newport NH between the hours of 8:00am and 8:00pm. Potluck and meetings all day long.


District 18 Open Mic Night

First Congregational Church 24 Main St., Pittsfield, NH

Open Mic Talent Show for AA members. You must signup to perform


Sober in the Park

Moody Park, Claremont NH

Sober Picnic in Moody Park Burgers and Dogs provided


District 18 Annual Roundup

First Baptist Church in New London, NH 461 Main St, New London, NH, United States

Our annual sobriety Roundup offers all-day AA meetings and workshops, dinner, raffles, silent auction, double speaker meeting and a day full of sober fellowship.

NH Area Assembly of Alcoholics Anonymous © 2011-2022

Need Help Getting Sober? Call the NH AA Helpline: 800-593-3330