District 13 Committee Meeting
Zoom FormatMonthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
Monthly meeting of District 13 Officers, Committee Chairs, GSRs and attendees. Meeting ID: 858 9941 4100 Passcode: district13 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85899414100?pwd=d0g5TE15dVBWaFB6d08yR1lvVlAvQT09
Monthly meeting of District 13 Officers, Committee Chairs, GSRs and attendees. Meeting ID: 858 9941 4100 Passcode: district13 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85899414100?pwd=d0g5TE15dVBWaFB6d08yR1lvVlAvQT09
Monthly meeting of District 13 Officers, Committee Chairs, GSRs and attendees. Meeting ID: 858 9941 4100 Passcode: district13 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85899414100?pwd=d0g5TE15dVBWaFB6d08yR1lvVlAvQT09
Monthly meeting of District 13 Officers, Committee Chairs, GSRs and attendees. Meeting ID: 858 9941 4100 Passcode: district13 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85899414100?pwd=d0g5TE15dVBWaFB6d08yR1lvVlAvQT09