District 19 Monthly Meeting
ZoomMonthly District 19 Committee Business meeting of all officers, committee chairs, GSRs, and interested participants. Zoom ID: 848 6944 6633 password: district19
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Monthly District 19 Committee Business meeting of all officers, committee chairs, GSRs, and interested participants. Zoom ID: 848 6944 6633 password: district19
Monthly District 15 Committee Business meeting of all officers, committee chairs, GSRs, and interested participants. Meeting ID: 850 5722 0668Passcode: district15
Monthly Committee Meeting of all District 7 officers, committee chairs and GSRs Zoom format: ID: 816710724
District 9 business meeting of officers, committee chairs, GSRs from District 9 groups and all other AA members who wish to participate.
Meeting is hybrid and takes place over Zoom and in person at the following location: Marion Gerrish Community Center 39 W Broadway, Derry, NH 03038
ID:89323887612 PW: 852267 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89323887612pwd=UENvQWlJR21iMm4vMlFTK09TK2o5Zz09
Meeting takes place in-person at the following location: Lutheran Church of the Nativity Annex 17 Grove Street North Conway,NH 03860
Meeting of the area treatment committee members including district treatment chairs and all AA members interested in AA's cooperation with treatment facilities.
Monthly Committee Meeting of all District 8 officers, committee chairs and GSRs Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 307 538 7931 Password: district8
Meeting takes place in-person at the following location: Baptist Church 27 Jefferson Road Whitefield, NH 03598