District 9 Meeting
Marion Gerrish 39 West Broadway, Derry, NH, United StatesDistrict 9 business meeting of officers, committee chairs, GSRs from District 9 groups and all other AA members who wish to participate.
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District 9 business meeting of officers, committee chairs, GSRs from District 9 groups and all other AA members who wish to participate.
A monthly meeting of GSRs and other offices associated with AA in Area 43 District 14 (NH Seacoast). To join, click the Website link below or use Zoom code 213-498-6423. The password is district14. If you join by phone, dial: (646) 558-8656 and enter 213 498 6423
Meeting for all District PI/CPC Chairs and interested AAs
Meeting for all District PI/CPC Chairs and interested AAs.
District 8 Monthly Committee meeting of Officers, Committees and GSRs This meeting is run Hybrid. The in person meeting is at the United Baptist Church, 39 Fayette Street, Concord, NH Zoom Meeting ID: 307 538 7931 Password: district8
Monthly meeting of District 20 Officers, Committees and GSRs Zoom ID: 885 2151 4867 Passcode: district20
Meeting of the area treatment committee members including district treatment chairs and all AA members interested in AA's cooperation with treatment facilities. Zoom Meeting ID: 891 8063 4104 Passcode: 681306
Monthly meeting of District 17 Officers, Committees and GSRs Community Baptist Church of Whitefield (across from the Post Office) 27 Jefferson Road, Whitefield, NH 0359
https://zoom.us/j/628704412 St. David’s Episcopal Church 231 Main St, Salem NH This meeting is run in a hybrid format.
Meeting ID is: 306 311 205 passcode: district12 https://zoom.us/j/306311205?pwd=VnlyZG9sS3J6V2w0SzFaVGN6eWd6UT09