
Exploring our A.A. Pamphlets


Our AA pamphlets are an amazing source of information on everything from sponsorship to navigating anonymity on social media. Each week we will explore a different pamphlet. Please see the attached flyer for schedule and topic list, and join us for this low-stress, high-participation series! Zoom ID: 934 4488 2227 Passcode: service Join Zoom Meeting Questions:


Area 43 Monthly Business Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Area 43 officers, committee chairs and DCMs. 1 to 4pm Zoom ID: 228 681 5454 Password: Area43 Join Zoom Meeting


District 15 Business Meeting

First Thursday of the month 7pm First United Church of Rochester 42 South Main St. Rochester NH Zoom option available Meeting ID: 851 3244 2942 Zoom Hyperlink Passcode: district15 Link on D15 website


Exploring our A.A. Pamphlets


Our AA pamphlets are an amazing source of information on everything from sponsorship to navigating anonymity on social media. Each week we will explore a different pamphlet. Please see the attached flyer for schedule and topic list, and join us for this low-stress, high-participation series! Zoom ID: 934 4488 2227 Passcode: service Join Zoom Meeting Questions:


Tech Tuesday Sessions for Area Members – All Are Welcome!

The Area Technology Committee is hosting open sessions for Area 43 members to get their questions answered and problems solved. Join us every first Tuesday of the month starting August 6 - ALL ARE WELCOME! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 861 4831 1465 Passcode: Tech  

NH Area Assembly of Alcoholics Anonymous © 2011-2022

Need Help Getting Sober? Call the NH AA Helpline: 800-593-3330