District 10 Meeting
St. David's Episcopal Church 231 Main Street, Salem, NH, United StatesMonthly meeting for GSRs of District 10. 3rd Thursday of every month St. David's Church 231 Main St Salem, NH 03079
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Monthly meeting for GSRs of District 10. 3rd Thursday of every month St. David's Church 231 Main St Salem, NH 03079
District 12 Committee Meeting 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm St. Raphael Church Ferry Street Entrance 103 Walker Street, Manchester, NH 03102 and via ZOOM https://zoom.us/j/306311205?pwd=VnlyZG9sS3J6V2w0SzFaVGN6eWd6UT09 Meeting ID: 306 311 205 Password is usual meeting password If you need password, email district12webmaster@gmail.com
District 12 assembly meeting
Monthly PI/CPC Committee meeting on Zoom Join the Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 898 3596 0719 Password: picpc
Monthly meeting of the Area 43 officers, committee chairs and DCMs. 1 to 4pm Zoom ID: 228 681 5454 Password: Area43 Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2286815454?pwd=RktJbVI5R3NRa3BzRzIyTEkvSTVWQT09
The Area Technology Committee meets on the last Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 897 5859 4203 Passcode: Tech
District 11 monthly meeting
Join the Accessibility and Safety Committee for their weekly meeting regarding how best to reduce barriers to accessing the AA Message
The Area Technology Committee is hosting open sessions for Area 43 members to get their questions answered and problems solved. Join us every first Tuesday of the month starting August 6 - ALL ARE WELCOME! Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86148311465?pwd=ragOjj9ZnAQOOba5zQniTWzimatYrN.1 Meeting ID: 861 4831 1465 Passcode: Tech
Meets on the First Wednesday of the Month on Zoom Join Meeting Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88155905842?pwd=TDdrR1NTVXFOc0pSVHllSWNNait6dz09 ID: 881 5590 5842 PW: functions