District 14 Committee Meeting
St.Raphaels Catholic Church 6 Whipple Road, Kittery, MEMonthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR’s should attend.
Odd Months (e.g., January, March, May, etc.): 3rd Saturday of the month, 10a-12p at the Area Office. Contact corrections@nhaa.net for information.
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
Zoom Only Meeting Meeting ID # 628 704 412 Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
District 7 Committee Meetting: held the first and 3rd Thursdays of the month. https://zoom.us/j/876503569 Meeting ID: 876 503 569
Monthly business meeting: all officers, committee members and GSR's should attend.
This will be a Zoom Only meeting, of all Area Officers and Committee Chairs and DCM's (and their alternates).