District 19 Monthly Meeting


Monthly District 19 Committee Business meeting of all officers, committee chairs, GSRs, and interested participants. Zoom  ID:   848 6944 6633 password:  district19

District 19 Monthly Meeting



District 19 Monthly Meeting


Monthly meeting of all District 19 Officers, Committee Chairs and GSRs: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5987986109?pwd=Vk5SdXhtWlNPRVpiR0g4Rk1WNlM5UT09#success%20%20

District 19 Monthly Committee Meeting

Keene Serenity Center 36 Carpenter Street, Keene, NH, United States

Monthly meeting of all District 19 Officers, Committee Chairs and GSRs The meeting will be in person at:  Keene Serenity Center 36 Carpenter Street, Keene, NH

District 19 Monthly Committee Meeting

Keene Serenity Center 36 Carpenter Street, Keene, NH, United States

Monthly meeting of all District 19 Officers, Committee Chairs and GSRs: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5987986109?pwd=Vk5SdXhtWlNPRVpiR0g4Rk1WNlM5UT09#success%20%20

District 19 Monthly Committee Meeting

Keene Serenity Center 36 Carpenter Street, Keene, NH, United States

Monthly meeting of all District 19 Officers, Committee Chairs and GSRs This meeting will be in person at:  Keene Serenity Center 36 carpenter street, Keene, NH

District 19 Monthly Committee Meeting

Keene Serenity Center 36 Carpenter Street, Keene, NH, United States

Monthly meeting of all District 19 Officers, Committee Chairs and GSRs: This meeting will be in person at:  Keene Serenity Center 36 carpenter street, Keene, NH

District 19 Monthly Committee Meeting

Keene Serenity Center 36 Carpenter Street, Keene, NH, United States

Monthly meeting of all District 19 Officers, Committee Chairs and GSRs: This meeting will be in person at:  Keene Serenity Center 36 carpenter street, Keene, NH

District 19 Monthly Committee Meeting

Keene Serenity Center 36 Carpenter Street, Keene, NH, United States

Monthly meeting of all District 19 Officers, Committee Chairs and GSRs: This meeting will be in person at:  Keene Serenity Center 36 carpenter street, Keene, NH


Yana Center 36 Carpenter Street, Keene

AA DISTRICT 19 2022 ALCATHON   MEETINGS ON THE HOUR  DECEMBER 24TH 6PM-MIDNIGHT DECEMBER 25TH 6AM-6PM            Bring a dish if you wish...Bring yourself if nothing else!

NH Area Assembly of Alcoholics Anonymous © 2011-2022

Need Help Getting Sober? Call the NH AA Helpline: 800-593-3330