Post-Conference Assembly
Plymouth Elks Lodge 1159 NH Route 175, HoldernessReport back from the Area 43 Delegate of actions taken, or not taken, at the 72nd General Service Conference that was held in April.
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Report back from the Area 43 Delegate of actions taken, or not taken, at the 72nd General Service Conference that was held in April.
Plymouth Elks Lodge 1159 NH Route 175 Holderness, NH 03245
The August Area 43 Assembly will begin with a GSR orientation and DCM roundtable, followed by a brief business meeting. Rounding out the program before lunch will be debate and voting on the proposed agenda item. Delicious lunch provided by District 17. Stay for the Writing Workshop for stories to be submitted for the 5th Edition book of Alcoholics Anonymous, ... Read More
Held Saturday November 19th and hosted by District 13 Location: American Legion Hall, 15 Cottage Street, Milford, NH Morning: 800-830 Registration and Fellowship, 830-1030 Inventory Assembly with NE Trustee Francis G., 1045 affirmation of Hybrid, NE Trustee Nomination, 2023 Area 43 Budget. The results of the Area 43 Inventory Survey will be compiled and shared with the assembly, to ... Read More
Area 43 Pre-Conference Assembly Saturday, March 25, 2023 9:00am – 4:00pm In-Person St. Raphael’s Church 103 Walker Street Manchester, NH 03102 enter on Ferry Street Virtual on Zoom Meeting ID: 228 681 5454 Passcode: Area43
Hybrid report back of the General Service Conference from our Delegate Grace F. Zoom ID: 228-681-5454 Password: Area43 0830am: Registration in person 0900am: GSR Orientation 10-12:30: Delegate Report Back 12:30 starts the food, fellowship, speakers and activities
This assembly will be hosted by District 18 Location: Baptist Church, 461 Main Street, New London, NH The assembly will be run Hybrid: Zoom ID 228 681 5454 Passcode: Area43 See flyer below for the timeline of the day. We're looking forward to seeing you there, or in your zoom square!
Area 43 Election Assembly, Hosted by District 9 to be held 8:30 to 4pm, at Orchard Christian Fellowship Church 136 Pillsbury Rd, Londonderry, NH 03053
Monthly meeting of the Area 43 officers, committee chairs and DCMs. 1 to 4pm Zoom ID: 228 681 5454 Password: Area43 Join Zoom Meeting
Monthly meeting of the Area 43 officers, committee chairs and DCMs. 1 to 4pm Zoom ID: 228 681 5454 Password: Area43 Join Zoom Meeting