Any meeting of area GSR’s and the Area Committee is an Assembly. The area, state or provincial assembly is the mainspring of the Conference structure. It is the democratic voice of the movement expressing itself – (A.A. Service Manual)
Area Assemblies follow the agenda as outlined for Area Committee meetings. Quarterly Area Assemblies include workshops planned by the hosting districts, lunch, and, in the afternoon, a business meeting of the Area Assembly. Assemblies are held in March (Pre-Conference), May (Post-Conference), August, and October (in election years) or in November (in non-election years) and are hosted by districts on a schedule coordinated by the Area Alternate Chairperson. Every effort should be made to rotate Assemblies throughout the Area in order to encourage participation by the widest distribution of A.A membership. Assemblies are held on the fourth Saturday of the month. When this proves impractical for the host district, date changes require a simple majority of the Area Committee. (Also see Appendix A: Guidelines for Hosting Area Assemblies in the 2018/2019 NHAA Area 43 Handbook)