The Assembly maintains special standing committees. These committees provide services through the assembly to facilitate the orderly conduct of A.A.activities and help spread the message of recovery in Area 43. The committees follow the general guidelines for special committees as provided by the General Service Office with the guidance of the New Hampshire Area Assembly and the Area Committee.
Committees at the Area level are intended to assist the committees at the District level, although the Area committees will provide direct assistance and services if there is no committee active at the District level or if requested.
Area Standing Committees are not intended to be strict managerial organizations, but are flexible so that they may assist in whatever way that the committee deems most effective, working closely together with each other, provided that they adhere to the Traditions and the guidance of the Assembly.
The Area Chairperson appoints the Chairperson of each of these committees—with the exception of the Handbook Committee, and the Service Office Committee. All appointments recommended by the Area Chairperson are presented to the Area Committee for approval. Chairpersons of all standing committees are voting members of the Area Committee.